Channeling Sessions: Niv's Invitation to Get Personalized Guidance

If you would like to get personalized channeled guidance in a private setting, Niv has given me the green light to start offering channeling sessions.

We are currently offering these on a sliding scale. You can book a session by clicking on the button below.

Book a session here

The Session

Sessions are currently ~ 30 minutes long. This time limit is to ensure that the humans involved in this call (= me as the channel and you as the person receiving Niv’s guidance) can handle the energy. :)

We encourage you to have some space before and after the session to just relax and assimilate the energy you received. It’s best to be at home or in a comfortable, interruption-free space for the session.

Here’s how a channeling session can be useful:

Picture yourself walking through the terrain below.

A high-level guide (like Niv) has a higher vantage point of the journey you are taking, so they can often give you good guidance based on their more complete perspective. (This is similar to how someone flying a helicopter over the landscape above would have a different perspective than someone traversing it on foot.)

You can read more about what channeling is here.

What to expect from a session:

You can expect to walk away from the session with new insights or perspectives. Sometimes, these are slight shifts, other times, they are big revelations. (In general, though, we encourage gentle changes as these are much easier to integrate.)

Niv also makes a point of being supportive and uplifting by honoring you exactly where you are. They (Niv is a singular being who goes by they/them) want you to feel good and happy. They want you to feel excited about the changes you want to make, and have fun while you are going through the process.

After all, the whole theme of this project is “joyful growth”!

What to bring to the session:

The only thing you need to bring to our call is the openness to grow.

If you have questions about certain situations in your life, you can bring them to the call. However, it’s just as powerful to ask Niv for general advice and guidance.

Book a session here